Twitter Analysis DB Details

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The main page for the project is Twitter Analysis DB - OpenCircuits


Look at the GUI Link TBD and just try it out.


  • I currently run the db on a ram disk, in any case put on your fastest drive.
  • I have not tuned the db for performance. Got suggestions ( that are more than just guesses ). I am sure that more indexing might help, will try in time.


Building a Database

I am working on providing DB building facilities from the GUI. Since this is sensitive to the input sources it only works with the type of input sources I have used. Not everything is in the GUI as of this writing, this will probably change.


First to enable the GUI features you need to adjust the parameter file so

  • self.show_db_def = True

Then you also need to point to the input files: ( these are in the github repo )

  • self.tweet_input_file_name = r"./input/all_tweets_may_16_for_2020.txt" # where tweets are
  • self.word_input_file_name = r"./input/english-word-frequency/unigram_freq.csv" # word frequency data from kaggal

Then some processing options:

  • self.who_tweets = "djt" # id for who tweets, not much used yet
  • self.use_spacy = True # processing words to lemmas