R Pi Notes

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Revision as of 07:42, 8 August 2015 by DavidCary (talk | contribs) (yet more Raspberry Pi information.)
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The Raspberry Pi is a low-cost motherboards that run Linux.

These are some informal setup notes for a R Pi -- really just for my use, may write up later

Bring Your System Up to Date

Before installing new application or service in Raspbian, make sure to always type this into terminal (if this file is on your PI, you can use cut and paste):

   sudo apt-get update
   sudo apt-get upgrade
   sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Set Up Remote Desktop

use this command to setup the pi

     sudo apt-get install xrdp

on the windows machine go to router admin and get tcpip address of the pi or on the pi issue the command


and read the tcpip address of the pi( inet addr )

on the windows machine run "Remote Desktop Connection" in it enter the pi address and the user name ( default pi )

  1. click connect, if you need a password the default is raspberry.
  1. you should now be able to use your windows machine as the keyboard, mouse, and
  2. screen.
  3. if this step does not work try a reboot of the pi and try again, if that does not work
  4. try googling, it is beyond me.

fstab section

  1. more notes
  1. using fstab

sudo nano /etc/fstab



this looks good for stab

http://rasspberrypi.wordpress.com/2012/09/04/mounting-and-automounting-windows-shares-on-raspberry-pi/ http://rasspberrypi.wordpress.com/2012/09/04/mounting-and-automounting-windows-shares-on-raspberry-pi/

 # For Guest Login
     //WindowsPC/Share1 /mnt/mountfoldername cifs guest 0 0

For Password Protected Login //WindowsPC/Share1 /mnt/mountfoldername cifs username=yourusername,password=yourpassword 0 0

sharing drives

do you have samba? To find out if you have Samba on your Raspberry Pi, run this command on your Pi:

     which samba

If that command prints out a command path, Samba is already installed, so skip ahead to "make a mount point". If the Pi returns to the command prompt without printing anything, Samba is not yet installed; so install Samba with this command:

   sudo apt-get install samba

make a mount point:

     mkdir /mnt/share1
  1. mount from command line
     sudo mount -t  cifs -o guest  // /mnt/share1

for auto mounting you need to edit fstab

then look in dir /rPi copy over this win_to_pi_info.txt so have reference there

this worked fine, but what directory was shared turned out it was /home/pi


this gives you a gui for installing packages, and search for them altenate to apt-get install ..... Synaptic Package Manager - Home - Savannah

general info





chrome for pi

actually there is no chrome for pi, but there is Chromium, which is pretty close. I suppose it is heavier weitht than other browsers, but aside from speed it seems to work much better. It does allow you to access google drives, and perhaps other gooogle stuff.




This is a really nice Python environment, do not know how well it plays with the already installed python.

Install Spyder

Handy Commands for Run and Terminal

connecting hardware to the Raspberry Pi

(TODO: ... mention something about how easy it is to hook stuff up to the GPIO pins ...)

For something a little more permanent, several people are designing boards to meet the Raspberry Pi HAT standard.

A few PCB Footprints that may be helpful:

  • (apparently by Dave Vandenbout ?) Raspberry Pi B+ HAT Template[1]

Further reading