R Pi Notes

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These are some informal setup notes for a R Pi -- really just for my use, may write up later

Bring Your System Up to Date ===
  1. Before installing new application or service in Raspbian, make sure to
  2. always type this into terminal: ( if this file in on your PI use cut an d paste

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

===Set Up Remote Desktop =

use this command to setup the pi

     sudo apt-get install xrdp

on the windows machine go to router admin and get tcpip address of the pi or on the pi issue the command


and read the tcpip address of the pi( inet addr )

on the windows machine run "Remote Desktop Connection" in it enter the pi address and the user name ( default pi )

  1. click connect, if you need a password the default is raspberry.
  1. you should now be able to use your windows machine as the keyboard, mouse, and
  2. screen.
  3. if this step does not work try a reboot of the pi and try again, if that does not work
  4. try googling, it is beyond me.

=========== shared drive

do you have samba?

     which samba

make a mount point:

     mkdir /mnt/share1
  1. works from command line
     sudo mount -t  cifs -o guest  // /mnt/share1

then look in dir /rPi copy over this win_to_pi_info.txt so have reference there

========= chrome for pi

=== spyder
