Install Kivy

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This documents my attempt ( successful ) to install Kivy on a Python system under Anaconda Spyder. Just some quick notes. See history for date info.

Install Kivy on 2.7 installation of Spyder. Actually worked, but not right off. Next Kivy - First Impressions

First Google

  • looks like might be good try

  • nice music no words, not my cup of tea

First try

This is where my python lives: D:\apps\Anaconda D:\apps\Anaconda\

now running in cmd.exe

Ran as directed and after a lot of work got error messages, including that it failed. I have a log.

Tried again this time was going to answere admistritor n, but got quick error out.

Tried uninstall both with and without admin priv. for cmd.exe

So now I seem stuck with a partial installation.

Try again

looks like might be good try

Will use cmd and give admin rights to it.

this seemed to work but when I tried ( as stated in the docs ) -- take it back I missed a step ( i looked carefully at the logs which I try to always save.

Now will retry

That’s it. You should now be able to import kivy in python or run a basic example:

python share\kivy-examples\demo\showcase\

and it did "work"

Assuming Kivy is Somewhere on my system

Found other examples on git hub at Downloaded unzipped, but when I tried to run the first line import kivy fails.

Now a couple of hours into trying to install this f*** and wonder why it should be so obscure. Why use when even the install does not seem to work? So my fault -- works well enough to test some more

Continued Experiments

  • As I do them. Ran a simple Kivy demo and must admit it does look nice in a slick multi media sort of way.