Setup Toga with Spyder

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Setup Toga with Spyder

This is an early draft not really ready for anybody but the author.


Get Toga running ( preferabley with editable source code ) in Spyder and IDE for Python

for Toga see: Toga — Toga 0.3.0.dev10 documentation

This has not been easy, still not working as of July 30: see this page history for other dates.

Unfortunately I tried so many things that some steps and details are lost in the fog of time, here I will try to document the most important steps and results.

After a brief bout with windows, I decided to move to Ubuntu as a virtual machine under my Windows host.

Installed 18.4 then installed Anaconda ( not everything seemed to work ) which did not get me Spyder. So I did a

     apt get spyder3 

which seemed ok, I can now run Spyder

Try Again ( Attempt 2 )

Set Up Git

 git config --global "russ-hensel"
 git config --global
 >>> seemed to run fine

Upgrade Pip

 pip3 install --upgrade pip
 >>> Successfully installed pip-18.0

On My Git

Forked then git clone and in my home directory:

  git clone

then after much messing about got the error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'travertino' so ....

  git clone

mess with path until get to error: for gbubl so

 pip install gbulb

Initial Attempt

This is incomplete, then I seemed to trash spyder, even reinstall did not fix, so starting with a clean virtual machine, and will try to document more of steops.

Also ran

  • pip install toga-demo
  • pip install --upgrade pip >>>> Successfully installed pip-18.0
  • toga-demo >>> demo seemed to run
  • pip install --pre toga >>> did not get errors

  • python -m

/home/russ/anaconda3/bin/python: Error while finding module specification for '' (AttributeError: module 'toga_1' has no attribute '__path__') russ@ubuntu-18-base:~/python3/projects$ python

  • russ@ubuntu-18-base:~/python3/projects$ python -m >>> does not work _>

/home/russ/anaconda3/bin/python: Error while finding module specification for '' (AttributeError: module 'toga_1' has no attribute '__path__')

  • russ@ubuntu-18-base:~/python3/projects$ python >>> does work but button is a big as window, just a detail?
  • inside of spyder does not work, but after much messing around I found that changing the pythonpath in spyder would let it run